Building Personal Resilience™ Program

An online blended-learning 8-week program

The Building Personal Resilience™ Certification Program will teach you a science-based skill set, enabling you to guide others to access and apply the power and intelligence of the heart in their day-to-day lives. As your clients learn and practice, they are able to retrain their stress response and begin to live more from a place of empowerment, resilience and self-security. As you learn and share the program with others, you’ll also deepen your own personal practice. This certification is for mentors, coaches, facilitators, instructors, consultants and others who work in one-on-one or small group settings.

The Value – How this Training is Unique

  1. Immersion experience for personal growth: learn in-depth heart-based tools, techniques, strategies and technology to build more resilience into your own life and the lives of your clients
  2. Interactive program with blended online learning through videos, and 8 recorded modules plus 1 ½ hour phone session with Certified HeartMath coach and mentor
  3. System of skill sets are based on scientifically validated studies and case studies, practicum and practice partners
  4. Learn how to use HeartMath technology
  5. Multiple emotion self-regulation techniques to be used in the moment as the stress or challenge is occurring, including:
    1. intuitive decision-making using the head and heart together for clarity and insight
    2. communication from the heart
    3. Heart Mapping® project planning process
    4. creating an Action Plan for yourself and your clients


Building Personal Resilience™ Certification program licenses you to become a HeartMath Mentor and learn to deliver HeartMath’s scientifically-validated tools to your associates and clients. Including:


Support materials include downloadable guides and work sheets for you to develop your own understanding and practice; as well as resource samples suitable to use with individuals whom you mentor. You also will have access to an extensive e-library of instructional aides and handouts to build your business and work with clients.

Australian and New Zealand residents need to apply through our Australian website to do the Building Personal Resilience program.

Please ring (+612) 9412 2500 to discuss program in more detail.

Apply for Building Personal Resilience Program 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Cost in Australian dollars including GST: $1850

Our program is available for you to start anytime from 1 February to 30 November each year. We use the recorded HeartMath USA training sessions and not live program from HeartMath USA so you can fit training into your schedule and have up to four months to complete. Each of the 8 Modules takes about 3 hours so most applicants finish in about 2-3 months.

More information on benefits of the course...

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Benefits for Those You Mentor/Coach:


  • resilience, vitality and overall well-being
  • mental clarity for decision-making, problem-solving and planning
  • emotional awareness and sensitivity to relational issues
  • ability to maintain or reestablish composure in challenging situations
  • ability to communicate more effectively
  • cooperation among co-workers and team members


  • worry, overwhelm and feelings of anxiousness
  • sleeplessness and fatigue
  • generalized stress and physical symptoms of stress
  • miscommunications
As a HeartMath Mentor you will be trained to support your clients by:
  • helping to expand their awareness and identifying primary sources of stress that cause energy drains.
  • introducing self-regulation techniques.
  • providing strategies that help them find their own solutions.
  • helping develop a plan to integrate the skills in their daily routines offering objective feedback.
  • ensuring that they stick to their practice plans and are able to achieve sustainable results.

Apply for Building Personal Resilience Program 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What People Are Saying About The HeartMath Certification Program

Industry: Other
Age: 46 to 60
Gender: Male

Review: (5/5) 3 months ago

Absolutedly Wonderful

I can't say enough about how much it has benefited my life. The practice of the teachings has truly infused every aspect of my life for the better. I just seem to enjoy my life so much more and I know that I have become a better person to be around and I like that very much.

✔ Yes, I recommend this product.

Name: Antoinette
Industry: Healthcare
Age: 46 to 60
Gender: Female

Review: (5/5) 4 months ago

Keeps what it promises

A professionally structured online training with wonderful tools that make a difference in the life of others. Dedicated staff, great material, lots of resources available once certified. Highly recommended.

✔ Yes, I recommend this product.

Name: Alex
Industry: Other
Age: 31 to 45
Gender: Female

Review: (5/5) 4 months ago

Indispensable skills!

Valuable training that should be a must for everyone willing to make a positive difference in this world. Techniques taught are simple yet incredibly powerful. Highly recommended.

✔ Yes, I recommend this product.

Name: Carla
Industry: Non-Profit
Age: 61 or over
Gender: Female

Review: (5/5) 4 months ago

Life Changing when in coherence with life.

Heartmath is a perfect tool for those that are suffering from anxiety, depression and just plain life. Coherency is a way of life that can be achieved through the tools given to our clients.

✔ Yes, I recommend this product.

More Reviews

Macquarie Institute is the Licensee for HeartMath LLC
in Australia & New Zealand

Sydney office: 6 Help Street, Level 7, Chatswood NSW 2067
Phone : (+612) 9412 2500

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